Reviews & Reports Entertainment
presented by:Alex R.

We've a really wonderful critique of the latest and best video games by our resident reporter.

NEW: April 28th, 2013

Alex VideoGame Review Old and New

Today I'll review 2 games from the today and the past.  Two games I am reviewing today are a 3DS game and a GameBoy game.

So lets do it.


 Luigi's Mansion: Dark   Moon                                                                                                                                                                               
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon is an action-adventure game that was released on the Nintendo 3DS March 24, 2013.It was developed by Next Level Games and published by Nintendo. This game is a sequel to a 2001 game Luigi's Mansion on the GameCube. The game is set in a region called "Evershade Valley," where Professor E. Gadd lives in his laboratory and studies the freindly ghosts residing in the area. The game opens with the shattering of the Dark Moon,an object that hangs above Evershade Valley, which causes the ghosts to suddenly become hostile. Luigi is called by E.Gadd to re-collect the six pieces of the Dark Moon, which have been scattered to different mansion, in order to restore peace to Evershade Valley. In this game you play as Luigi, who equipped with the Poltergust 5000, a specialized vacuum cleaner used to capture ghosts. The main goal is to collect 5 pieces of the Dark Moon in each 5 Haunted Mansions also on each quest is to capture ghosts,collect treasures, and find the Boos with the new strobulb. I have to say this game is awsome with its amazing graphics, nice level design,and spooky environments and it can scares you when you into the window,and it good use for gyroscope motion for balacing narrow planks and peeking inside the window.And is also includes a multiplayer called ScareScraper(Thrill Tower in European and Australian versions), a series of floors where up to four players can play.The ScareScraper can be set to have 5, 10, 25, or infinite rooms. There are also three difficulty settings: normal, hard, and expert (none of which are available on Endless mode due to the progressive difficulty system). The game mode is compatible with both local, download and online multiplayer.So my conclusion Luigi's Mansion:Dark Moon a great game with great graphic,gameplay,and nice music.

Old Game:Super Mario Land

Super Mario Land is a platformer game that was released on the GameBoy on July 31,1989.It was developed by Nintendo EAD and published by Nintendo. The plot is Mario has to rescue Princess Daisy from Tatanga who wants to marry her and make her his queen. The gameplay is just a typical Mario platform game that you move all the way to the end were you collect coins and gather powerups.Mario has three powerups, the Mushroom will increase his height, however if he gets by the enemies or a projectile he'll grow back to normal. And if he collect a Flower,he will become Superball Mario,and will be able to shoot Superballs at his enemies.If Mario happens to find the rare item,the Starman,he will become invinsible,and be able to defeat any enemy just by touching it. The effects wear off over time, however. At the end of every level, the player has a choice of two exits. The bottom exit, which takes Mario to the next stage, or the top exit, which takes him to a Bonus Stage first. If Mario reaches the top exit (which is usually a difficult task), the Bonus Stage will allow him to earn a Flower, one extra life, two extra lives, or three extra lives.The things that I gave positive are the musics and great gameplay and I happen to beats this game once, plus Super Mario Land was not developed by Shigeru Miyamoto and Nintendo's EAD division but by Nintendo R&D1,with Gunpei Yokoi as guiding producer. But I also got negative thing starters,first the controls is bit slippery that can be difficult,seconds the hit detection can be off,and finally it the only Super Mario Land series to not have a save feature(although the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console has one). So my conclusion Super Mario Land is a classic platform that was good beginning for a Nintendo's portable standard,the game was re-released on 3DS Virtual Console on June 6,2011 so it can be a great download for people who wants to play this game.
So that concludes my videogame review. Tune in next time for more games you’ll love from the past and present. Til next time gamers, Game on.

Alex VideoGame Review Old and New

Today I'll review 2 games from the today and the past.  Two games I am reviewing today are a  PS3 game and a N64 game. So lets do this.

New Game:  Gran Turismo 5
Gran Turismo 5 is a racing driving simulator and was released on the PlayStation 3 on November 24, 2010. It was developed by  Polyphony Digital and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. This game is a real driving simulator to drive every car from the U.S and outside from State like Ford, Chevrolet, Toyota, Alfa Romeo, FIAT, and many more. Plus, it includes tracks such as Indianapolis Motor Speedway and Daytona International Speedway which surprised me. The graphics are amazing and mind-blowing and looks realistic in my opinion. The bad thing I don't like and only thing I don't like, is the damage system. Why? Because it doesn't show much damage . The Daytona and Indianapolis speedways  when you charge into a barrier,  the cars usually slam and roll many times but no actual damage in this game,  only scratches and dents,  so that’s my only complaint. The music and sound effects are pretty good. So my conclusion Gran Turismo 5 is a brilliant game with the vehicles, tracks, and everything looking pretty good.
Rating: 4/5

Old Game:Banjo-Kazooie

Banjo-Kazooie is an action platformer and it was  released on the Nintendo 64 on June 29,1998. It was develop on Rare and published by Nintendo.The plot is that the evil ugly witch Gruntilda kidnapped Banjo sister Tooty in order to use her by turning Grunty into beautiful character, while Banjo is sleeping during the abduction. In response to the kidnapping, Kazooie wakes Banjo up and the two set out to rescue her. The gameplay is a 3D open level adventure that you can go to 9 level to collect jigsaw pieces to proceed to another level. Like Super Mario 64,  the game play is designed in a way that is very non-linear. There many weapons that are very funny like the eggs for projectiles, golden feathers for invisibility and regular feathers for flying around. My complaint about this game and usually other Rare games is the game over scene humiliating you for giving up or losing to you that pretty much grinds me and some other stuff that was removed before the release. So my conclusion, Banjo-Kazooie is great game for the N64 standard and spawn 2 Banjo-Tooie for N64 and Banjo-Kazooie Nuts and Bolts for the XBOX 360, around 2008 Banjo-Kazooie was rereleased for the Xbox Live Arcade and the sequel a year later, Banjo-Kazooie is a memorable game for the old and new gamers as well.

Rating: 4/5

So that concludes my videogame review. Tune in next time for more games you’ll love from the past and present.   Til next time gamers,  Game on.

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